Wellbeing Hub

Hi – I am Nicky Smith, the Wellbeing Hub Development Manager

The Wellbeing Hub brings together important aspects of our work at Orwell House over the past 7 years, providing people with a wide range of therapy based sessions as well as information, advice and guidance.

You can find out more about our plans here or follow the Easy Read section below

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Easy read guide

Hello from the team at Realife in Orwell House in Cambridge.

We have spent 7 years making our offices and meeting rooms into a safe and friendly place for families and disabled people to have meetings and other help

We want to find new partners to turn our ideas into a Wellbeing Centre and then set up Wellbeing Centres in other places too

Here’s what we do at Orwell House already:

We run the reception area for Cambridge City Council

We do the post

Manage the meeting rooms.

Give people advice and information

Have sessions from special therapists who help with counselling, mindfulness,

Support for Experts by Experience to do Care and Treatment Reviews for people with a learning disability or ASC

We need money to pay a new Development Manager to make sure the Wellbeing Centre plan works

The new Development Manager will help set up Wellbeing Centres in 5 towns in our area and then as many as possible all over the country

Here’s what we
have already

A contract from Cambridge City Council to run Orwell House Enterprise Centre reception services and meeting rooms

7 years’ experience in running this contract

We also do meetings and training event bookings, virtual mailing addresses and post room services

We have a central location in Cambridge City in a nice area with good on-site parking

We have cafe and sandwich shop providing hot and cold food either in the cafe or for delivery direct to our meeting and training events.

We have other working spaces available

We have over 25 years’ experience in providing information, advice, guidance, social enterprise start-up support and community development services to disabled people
and their families

We are a user-led team of disabled people and family carers